南華村中心學校 Nan Hua Cun Center School
深圳福田 Futian, Shenzhen
“人對世界的認識過程不是直線,而是無限地近似於一串圓圈、近似於螺旋式的曲線 ”
「樂園」—— 孩子的天性就是在跑步、遊戲和發現中學習。我們通過1:20的螺旋式緩坡把美術教室、多功能廳、圖書館等校園共享空間貫連起來,通過內部垂直流線的“水平化”使孩子無需上下樓梯便可以自由自在穿梭在豐富的校園環境和不同教學空間之間。年少的學生們沉浸在一個需要通過親身探索才能夠充分理解的校園環境之中,可以很輕鬆的適應在家與學校之間的轉換。
「森林」—— 整個校園中心保留50%的用地不設地下停車,減少建築對土地的干擾、複育中央森林綠地,爲經歷大拆搭建都市更新的南華社區帶來100%的綠色屋面覆蓋與真正大片的複生綠林。開放的結構與通透的空間把建築量體轉化爲遮陰通風、佈滿綠植的騎樓、連廊、庭院、平台。這種方法把大尺度街區轉換爲一繫列尺度宜人的適宜亞熱帶季風氣候的空間。層疊掩映的空間保留了一種城市的神秘感,整個偌大校園消減爲更爲親切近人的尺度。
「社區」—— 校園的教學樓、中央回環和社區平台等三部分可以在不同的時間向市民開放:白天,它是鼓勵學生探索髮現的學習樂園;傍晚,它是向鄰里的開放休閒娛樂空間;週末,它成爲服務南華社區乃至福田市民的文化學習中心。通過從時間維度重新想象校園建築的空間與使用類型,我們希望整個校園可以融合、嵌入南華社區的公共空間及社會肌理之中,思考一種更爲可持續的校園運作模式,探索高密度城市校園的設計創新。
The architecture of the school is the best textbook for its students. With a spiraling, centripetal, uplifting architectural form, we hope the architecture can amplify a dialectic worldview:
The development of human knowledge is not a straight line, but a curving form infinitely similar to a series of loops or a spiral.
We consider three key elements for the design:
1) FUN PALACE: it is children's nature to run, discover, and learn - all shared learning spaces, library, and multifunction hall are connected by a looping 1:20 ramp to minimize the use of the staircase and encourage horizontal movement for the kids. The helicoidal trajectory “horizontalizes” vertical movement and allows the enjoyment of a rich school environment without the need to go up and down stairs. The building invites exploration and wonderment, allowing the younger students a smooth and joyful transition from home to school.
2) FOREST PLAYGROUND: 50% of the site remained untouched to allow for a Forest Playground to thrive in the middle of the site surrounded by all the shared amenities - achieving 100% green coverage for the entire building. The overall result is an open structure of usable spaces that are well ventilated, and shaded: loggia, footbridges, courtyard, and platforms that come together as an eventful and fun environment. Retaining a little bit of the mystery of the city and immersing the students in a context that needs to be investigated to be understood, the different building components obstruct a comprehensive view of the whole resulting in a constant progression of concealing and revealing.
3) COMMUNUAL NODE: The school is typologically unique, both in terms of space and use: during the day a great school for the children; a shared leisure space for the community in the evening; and also a culture and learning center for the Futian District communities on the weekends. The whole school is embedded into the public realm and social fabrics not by form but by time, day/night, weekdays/weekends - we envisioned not only a physical building but also a more sustainable operation model for public institutions of our future cities.
深圳福田 Futian, Shenzhen
“人對世界的認識過程不是直線,而是無限地近似於一串圓圈、近似於螺旋式的曲線 ”
「樂園」—— 孩子的天性就是在跑步、遊戲和發現中學習。我們通過1:20的螺旋式緩坡把美術教室、多功能廳、圖書館等校園共享空間貫連起來,通過內部垂直流線的“水平化”使孩子無需上下樓梯便可以自由自在穿梭在豐富的校園環境和不同教學空間之間。年少的學生們沉浸在一個需要通過親身探索才能夠充分理解的校園環境之中,可以很輕鬆的適應在家與學校之間的轉換。
「森林」—— 整個校園中心保留50%的用地不設地下停車,減少建築對土地的干擾、複育中央森林綠地,爲經歷大拆搭建都市更新的南華社區帶來100%的綠色屋面覆蓋與真正大片的複生綠林。開放的結構與通透的空間把建築量體轉化爲遮陰通風、佈滿綠植的騎樓、連廊、庭院、平台。這種方法把大尺度街區轉換爲一繫列尺度宜人的適宜亞熱帶季風氣候的空間。層疊掩映的空間保留了一種城市的神秘感,整個偌大校園消減爲更爲親切近人的尺度。
「社區」—— 校園的教學樓、中央回環和社區平台等三部分可以在不同的時間向市民開放:白天,它是鼓勵學生探索髮現的學習樂園;傍晚,它是向鄰里的開放休閒娛樂空間;週末,它成爲服務南華社區乃至福田市民的文化學習中心。通過從時間維度重新想象校園建築的空間與使用類型,我們希望整個校園可以融合、嵌入南華社區的公共空間及社會肌理之中,思考一種更爲可持續的校園運作模式,探索高密度城市校園的設計創新。
The architecture of the school is the best textbook for its students. With a spiraling, centripetal, uplifting architectural form, we hope the architecture can amplify a dialectic worldview:
The development of human knowledge is not a straight line, but a curving form infinitely similar to a series of loops or a spiral.
We consider three key elements for the design:
1) FUN PALACE: it is children's nature to run, discover, and learn - all shared learning spaces, library, and multifunction hall are connected by a looping 1:20 ramp to minimize the use of the staircase and encourage horizontal movement for the kids. The helicoidal trajectory “horizontalizes” vertical movement and allows the enjoyment of a rich school environment without the need to go up and down stairs. The building invites exploration and wonderment, allowing the younger students a smooth and joyful transition from home to school.
2) FOREST PLAYGROUND: 50% of the site remained untouched to allow for a Forest Playground to thrive in the middle of the site surrounded by all the shared amenities - achieving 100% green coverage for the entire building. The overall result is an open structure of usable spaces that are well ventilated, and shaded: loggia, footbridges, courtyard, and platforms that come together as an eventful and fun environment. Retaining a little bit of the mystery of the city and immersing the students in a context that needs to be investigated to be understood, the different building components obstruct a comprehensive view of the whole resulting in a constant progression of concealing and revealing.
3) COMMUNUAL NODE: The school is typologically unique, both in terms of space and use: during the day a great school for the children; a shared leisure space for the community in the evening; and also a culture and learning center for the Futian District communities on the weekends. The whole school is embedded into the public realm and social fabrics not by form but by time, day/night, weekdays/weekends - we envisioned not only a physical building but also a more sustainable operation model for public institutions of our future cities.
蘇暢, 譚穎萱, 歐卓勳, 黃晉仁
Su Chang, Tam Wing Huen Raven, Au Cheuk Fan Frankie, Wong Chun Yan Oscar
Su Chang, Tam Wing Huen Raven, Au Cheuk Fan Frankie, Wong Chun Yan Oscar
深圳市福田區工務署 / 教育局
Shenzhen Futian District Bureau of Public Works / Education Bureau
Shenzhen Futian District Bureau of Public Works / Education Bureau
用地 / Site 35,238 sqm
建築 / GFA 105,000 sqm
建築 / GFA 105,000 sqm
