香港大學設計研究工作坊 FALL 2021
[木·雲·林] 思考自然廢木與工業木材的材料與技術關係,通過數碼科技與手工匠藝結合,創造新的木構空間藝術。
裝置設計為一對辨證互補的空間結構:其中一組將自然廢木製作成一組豎向支撐結構,通過3D掃描與數位影像技術準確捕捉廢木有機型態的幾何特徵;同時,一系列複合木板在不同高度水平銜接豎向廢木結構,組成一組結構穩定的三維空間裝置。另一組則將1X2木條組成水平的空間框架,並通過自然廢木豎向支撐。 兩組結構通過非規律、型態有機的廢木與穩定、型態平整的工業加工復合板在水平與豎直方向的結構互補、型態對比,創造有如遊走在半自然、半工業、亦林、亦木的空間 “浮雲”之中,創造介於自然與人工之間的第三種空間形態。
Trees/Clouds/Woods contemplates the materiality and technological implications of trees. Conventionally, trees are engineered into timber products for mass construction. This project challenges this preoccupied understanding by amalgamating the organic and the engineered, digital fabrication technologies and traditional crafts, in search of a new spatial paradigm.
Wood comes from trees. We tend to forget this apparent truth. Before a tree becomes a standardized material that fits modern protocols, it goes through laborious processes: peeling the bark, removing the knots, cutting its section with particular patterns for physical performances. This design research attemps to reconstruct the technical and spatial narrative of different conditions of trees and woods, from the natural to the artificial, to further reveal our inimate relationship with the trees in our daily life.
To challenge this preoccupied dichotomous understanding, this research amalgamates both the standardized and non-standardized wood through a dialectic pair of structure prototypes, supported by 3D-scanning, point cloud imaging, and CAM fabrication technology. It alludes to a future where technology is not to secure man and tame the other, but to mediate the direct entanglement with the real nature.
Collaboration / Su Chang, Tianying Li, Cara Roberts
Students / Chris | Yan Chun Ki | Matthew | Joey | Justine | Nicole | Rebecca | Tia | Joseph | Ivan | Alyssa | Susanna | Ada | Sherman | Angel | Joanna | Chloe | Merci | Anson | Wilson | Lesley | Gabby | Jason | Alex | Sandy | Jocelyn | Dominic Chu